A tiny metroidvania for the Thumby and Web. The game pace is slow to make it more playable on Thumby. NOTE: this game is WIP & coded from scratch. Including the web thumby emulator. There are a few known bugs:

  • enemies appearing in the wrong room after game over (Refresh the browser to get around this)
  • Collision issues moving down through a 2-block-wide hole - it's possible but it's finnicky right now
  • Harpoons carrying over across rooms when exiting a room midflight
  • etc. Life got in the way of finishing this before the jam ended. I hope to finish a lot of updates I have in the works at a later date.


  • Thrust with arrow keys
  • z & x perform certain actions as you progress
  • Recollect fired harpoons by thrusting into them

Development log


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and still hasn't been fixed :-/